
Surveillance is necessary to demonstrate area freedom in order to meet trading partner requirements, as well as to demonstrate successful pest eradication at the end of a nationally approved eradication campaign.

National Plant Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy

As a component of the National Plant Biosecurity Strategy, the National Plant Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy will also coordinate targeted surveillance arrangements to prioritise sentinel programs for the early detection of emergency plant pests.

PHA has helped to develop surveillance strategies for the production nursery, citrus, apple & pear, forestry, cotton, potato and tropical horticulture industries. PHA is also working with the grains industry to develop a nationally co-ordinated surveillance program which utilises the skills of industry extension staff.

Related topics

National Bee Pest Surveillance Program

National Forest Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy

National Citrus Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy

National Potato Industry Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy

National Grain Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy

Exotic Pest Identification and Surveillance Guide for Tropical Horticulture

Surveillance programs
