Persea mite

Persea mite

Photo by Jack Kelly Clark, courtesy University of California Statewide IPM

  • Serious pest in California with a wide host range
  • Adult females are yellowish green with several dark spots in the abdominal region
  • Males are smaller with yellow, pear-shaped bodies
  • Nests form along midribs and veins on the underside of leaves
  • Symptoms can also be seen as necrotic spots covered with a dense protective webbing
  • Defoliation occurs in heavy infestations with a litter of yellow-spotted green leaves under trees

High priority pest of: Avocados

Scientific name: Oligonychus perseae
EPPRD Category:
Life Form: Mites (ACARI)

Pest Documents

FS: fact sheet

CP: contingency plan

DP: diagnostic protocol