Annual Surveillance Workshop 2019


The Annual Surveillance Workshop 2019 was held in Brisbane on 13–14 March for people working in pest surveillance to engage with each other as part of the newly established Plant Surveillance Network Australasia-Pacific. The workshop was attended by 62 people from several plant industries, the Australian government, state governments, research agencies and New Zealand.

There was a wide range of presentations given on topics including industry led surveillance, general surveillance, plant pest interception information and pathways for pest movement. Attendees were also updated on the progress of the Network’s initiatives including development of a website and identification of opportunities for professional development.

During the workshop the attendees had an opportunity to provide input on the:

  • key roles, themes and functions in the National Surveillance Capability Framework
  • communication mechanisms and tools needed to improve awareness on pest pathways
  • opportunities and challenges to improving the national capability for data capture
  • direction of the plant surveillance network into the future.