Three more industry resource toolkit articles now available

  • Three more industry resource toolkit articles now available image

Plant Health Australia (PHA) is pleased to announce that the second set of industry resource toolkit articles are now available and cover the following topics:

  • Communicating during a response
  • Owner Reimbursement Costs (ORCs)
  • Movement restriction during a response.

The toolkit is an educational resource designed to assist plant industry peak bodies in educating their own members about the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD).

Comprised of a collection of 12 articles, the toolkit aims to help establish the plant industry peak bodies as a primary point of contact, improve their members’ understanding of national biosecurity arrangements, and help them prepare for plant pest incursions.

How the toolkit works:

  • twelve articles will be distributed to PHA’s Member plant industry peak bodies throughout the year (approximately three every three months)
  • articles are written sequentially with the aim of building knowledge over the series
  • articles cover topics such as national biosecurity arrangements, the role of industry and growers in plant pest response, cost-sharing arrangements, and actions growers can take to prepare for plant pest incursions
  • each article includes key points and resources, and a short and long version of the content
  • the content is designed for use across different channels, including websites, social media, newsletters and other mediums
  • each article contains links to additional information such as YouTube videos, websites, and/or training courses, as well as a graphics pack with editable flowcharts and infographics to use on communication channels
  • Member plant industry peak bodies are encouraged to tailor the information to improve understanding of national arrangements in order to become their members’ primary point of contact for more information.

If you are a PHA plant industry Member representative and would like to be added to the toolkit distribution list for new article releases, contact the PHA training team via