The Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD) is a government-industry partnership, outlining the national governance and investment in responding to and eradicating emergency plant pests (EPP). Under the EPPRD, impacted growers may also be eligible for reimbursement of certain costs or losses on account of response activities, known as owner reimbursement costs (ORCs).  

The ratification of the EPPRD in October 2005 significantly increased Australia’s capacity to respond to EPP incidents, minimising uncertainty over management and funding arrangements.

Other significant benefits include:

  • potential liabilities are known and funding mechanisms are agreed in advance
  • industry and government representatives are appointed early and given authority to commit to actions and funding decisions from the outset of a response
  • a consistent and agreed national approach for managing incursions
  • motivation and rationale to maintain a reserve of trained personnel and technical expertise
  • provision of accountability and transparency to all parties
  • wider commitment to risk mitigation by all signatories through the development and implementation of biosecurity strategies and programs.


The Australian Emergency Plant Pest Response Plan, commonly known as PLANTPLAN provides nationally consistent guidance for managing a response to an EPP at national, state and local levels.

PLANTPLAN describes national procedures as well as the key roles and responsibilities of industry and government during each phase of a response. PLANTPLAN incorporates best practice in plant biosecurity responses, and is reviewed and revised regularly, to incorporate new information or address gaps identified through evaluation activities such as incident debriefs.

Emergency Plant Pests

An EPP incident is a serious threat to the biosecurity of Australia, which requires a coordinated response. Any unusual plant pest or disease should be reported immediately to the relevant state or territory agriculture agency through the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline (1800 084 881).

Each state or territory government maintains a list of notifiable pests as part of their quarantine legislation including updates within respective government gazettes. For the latest information contact your local state or territory agricultural agency. 

EPPRD signatories

For a full list of the various crops represented by the industry signatories, please visit Schedule 7 of the EPPRD. 

Owner reimbursement costs

An agreed component of the EPPRD, owner reimbursement costs (ORCs) are payments made to individuals for specific defined costs or losses incurred during the implementation of a response plan.

Other response agreements

While the EPPRD covers the plant sector, there is an equivalent agreement for the animal (livestock) sector called the Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement (EADRA).

Similarly, the National Environmental Biosecurity Response Agreement (NEBRA) sets out emergency response arrangements, including cost-sharing arrangements, for responses to biosecurity incidents that primarily impact the environment and/or social amenity and where the response is for the public good.