Results from PHA member survey


The Board and staff of Plant Health Australia (PHA) would like to thank all members who took the time to complete our survey, in which they were asked to rate the performance of PHA programs, communication activities and other initiatives.

The online survey and several in depth interviews were done in mid-2018, following up on previous surveys in 2015 and 2012.

PHA members currently include 40 plant industry bodies, the Australian Government, and all state and territory governments. There are also 12 associate member organisations with an interest in plant biosecurity.

Our members have given us a positive score in our latest survey, with several ratings having increased steadily over time, such as:

  • 96 per cent of members now rate their working relationship with us as good or excellent.
  • 91 per cent of those surveyed now rate PHA’s overall performance as good or excellent.

Members also rated the following higher than 90 per cent:

  • information dissemination
  • consultation on issues
  • leadership in discussions and brokering solutions
  • emergency management.

Members still see PHA’s role in facilitating government-industry partnerships and administering the EPPRD as top priorities, along with identifying exotic pest threats.

The main activities members have been doing to strengthen the biosecurity system since the last survey were dissemination of information to growers and the public (85%), raising grower awareness and industry liaison (both 79%).