Resource Centre
The Resource Centre contains pest-specific information developed as part of industry biosecurity plans, in consultation with industry, government and scientists.
Search Results
23 results found
Sudden oak death
Scientific name: Phytophthora ramorum
EPPRD Category: 1
Spongy moths
Scientific name: Lymantria dispar and Lymantria mathura
White spotted tussock moth
Scientific name: Orgyia thyellina
Western gall rust
Scientific name: Endocronartium harknessii
Teratosphaeria stem canker
Scientific name: Teratosphaeria gauchensis, Teratosphaeria zuluensis
Ten-lined June beetle
Scientific name: Polyphylla decemlineata
Spruce bark beetle
Scientific name: Ips typographus
Shoot borers
Scientific name: Hypsipyla spp
Red turpentine beetle
Scientific name: Dendroctonus valens
Red needle cast
Scientific name: Phytophthora pluvialis
Pinewood nematode
Scientific name: Bursaphelenchus xylophilus