Exercise Motus: preparing for Oriental fruit fly threat
In July and August, industry and government leaders gathered in Sydney and Cairns for Exercise Motus, a simulation exercise focused on enhancing Australia’s preparedness to an Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) threat.
Oriental fruit fly is a major biosecurity threat to Australia’s horticulture industry and is listed in the fourth spot on the National Priority Plant Pest list.
Exercise Motus, brought together stakeholders to test movement protocols and strategies to minimise industry impact during an emergency response.
Participants included representatives from the Australian Mango Industry Association, Australian Table Grape Association, AUSVEG, Citrus Australia, Dried Fruit Australia, Summerfruit Australia, Vinehealth Australia, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (NSW DPIRD), the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), Agriculture Victoria, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF), South Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA), Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (WA DPIRD), and Kiwifruit Vine Health.
The simulation scenario involved the detection of Oriental fruit fly in both a production area and a peri-urban zone, focusing on:
- immediate actions by government and industry
- impacts on the movement of host commodities and business continuity
- how government and industry could effectively engage with each other during a response
- what improvements could be made to movement protocols.
Insights gained from Exercise Motus will support continued collaboration between stakeholders and strengthen Australia’s response capabilities to protect our horticultural industries from potential Oriental fruit fly incursions. Recommendations will also identify potential issues, critical gaps and solutions that could be considered by the Biosecurity Preparedness for Oriental Fruit Fly (FF18001) project team led by Macquarie University in collaboration with the NSW DPIRD and SARDI.
For more information on Exercise Motus or to explore developing and delivering a tailored exercise for your organisation, please email the PHA training team at training@phau.com.au.