ASW and ADW venue and date confirmed

  • ASW and ADW venue and date confirmed image

The Annual Diagnostics Workshop (ADW) and the Annual Surveillance Workshop (ASW) 2024 will take place at the Twin Towns Conference Centre in Tweed Heads, Queensland/New South Wales respectively.

  • ADW 2024, 19 – 20 March 2024, Challenges of unculturables and their vectors.
  • ASW 2024, 20 – 21 March 2024, Surveillance in remote locations: challenges, solutions and incorporating community engagement.

Both events will be held separately but at the same venue to allow for cross-pollination between surveillance and diagnostics practitioners on an overlapping day on Wednesday 20 March.

The ADW and ASW events provide the opportunity for National Plant Biosecurity Diagnostic Network (NPBDN) and Plant Surveillance Network Australasia-Pacific (PSNAP) members to improve their skills, exchange tips and techniques, share knowledge, and to network with colleagues. Together, these annual events aim to strengthen plant biosecurity diagnostic and surveillance capabilities within these networks and in Australasia as a whole.

Abstract submissions for both workshops are now closed. NPBDN and PSNAP members are encouraged to keep a lookout for email and website updates over the coming weeks to stay informed on exciting ADW and ASW 2024 developments!

If you are unsuccessful in securing a NPBDN- or PSNAP-funded place at ADW/ASW, please be assured that organisation-funded face-to-face places or free virtual attendance are still available. More details to follow.

For more information on ADW, ASW, or both networks, please contact or