PHA’s Mid-Year Performance Report has been published

  • PHA’s Mid-Year Performance Report has been published image

The Mid-Year Performance Report marks the halfway point in our financial year and reflects our progress against the strategic and operational priorities outlined in Plant Health Australia’s (PHA) Strategic Plan 2022–27, as well as the anticipated activities captured in the Annual Operational Plan 2022–23. This MYPR is the first under our new strategic plan.

Despite extreme pressure on the biosecurity system with continuous and concurrent responses and climate variability, we are proud of our results and what the PHA team have accomplished. The pace of change and tempo of work has made for a busy six months with staff working closely with Government and Industry to improve our ability to detect, identify, respond and recover from plant pest incursions, develop cohesive networks and strengthen existing partnerships. This included new Owner Reimbursement Cost evidence frameworks, response and surveillance training and new industry-specific eLearning courses and industry biosecurity plans.

Bringing stakeholders together to invest in and strengthen Australia’s plant biosecurity system, is at the core of what we do, and we cultivate these relationships continuously through various touchpoints throughout the year designed to keep our Members informed and involved.

Internally, we have focused on those actions needed to manage the company effectively, support changes needed to implement the new five-year strategy and build the team’s capacity and capability to deliver against our strategic priorities.

Building an internal culture of excellence, transparency and care has reinvigorated the team to deliver solid results for the plant biosecurity system not only for our Members but for the economy, environment and community.

Read the report