PHA Board meeting 102 and strategic workshop
On Tuesday 23 February 2021, the PHA Board met for their first face-to-face meeting in just over a year, with the majority of Directors able to attend in person.
Day one featured a workshop to progress the development of PHA’s next strategic plan. Facilitated by Russell Cummings, an external consult contracted to assist with the development of the plan, the workshop provided a status update of the stakeholder consultation process which was used to gain early insight into stakeholder’s views and expectations for the new strategic plan.
Common themes that emerged from the consultation process included challenges facing the national plant biosecurity system, increased biosecurity risk and competition for resources, and the importance of the EPPRD, technology and data analytics. The draft strategy was also presented.
Day two was dedicated to Board meeting 102. A comprehensive agenda covered focus areas for the business. This included developing frameworks that have clear goals and indicators to continue to build industry biosecurity preparedness, complimenting work undertaken in 2018 on developing an industry capability index.
The criticality of our national diagnostics system especially in managing plant pest incursions and supporting surveillance programs was also discussed. PHA plays a key role in multiple diagnostics projects that go towards developing and enhancing the national diagnostics system to ensure it operates in a coordinated and effective way. This is vital work to ensure expertise is available when required, that diagnosis is timely and consistent, and that duplication is avoided.
Updates on responses to Emergency Plant Pests are a standing item on the agenda and this area of the business is unfortunately always busier than what we would hope. Silver linings do exist though, and it was pleasing to hear progress in a number of the response program areas including the nearing completion of the National Citrus Canker Eradication Program.