Industry liaison training delivered in Brisbane
Plant Health Australia (PHA) and the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF) collaborated to deliver industry liaison training to plant industry representatives on 6 March in Brisbane.
The training focused on how a biosecurity emergency response works and the role of an industry liaison during a response. Specific topics covered in the training included the:
- Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD)
- Biosecurity Incident Management System
- Queensland response structure
- roles and responsibilities of an industry liaison at each stage of a response
- communication within a response.
Industry liaison functions are vital during an emergency plant pest response as they provide a link between the Incident Management Team and the affected industry. People in this role:
- contribute to decision making through providing the affected industry position on aspects of the response
- inform the response strategy and actions by providing advice on the industry sector and potential impacts of response actions
- support industry communication and engagement activities.
More information about the roles and responsibilities of an industry liaison is available in the job card for industry liaison functions, which is available on the PHA website.
Representatives from ten plant industries participated in the training. Amongst the attendees there was significant experience in biosecurity which helped generate valuable insights throughout the training.
Attendees said that along with learning about their role in a response the training was an excellent opportunity to network with other industry biosecurity representatives.
Following the success of this training, PHA is looking to schedule future industry liaison training across all jurisdictions. Once the training is scheduled, industry peak bodies who are signatories to the EPPRD will be contacted to nominate attendees.
For more information about industry liaison training or other training offered by PHA email