Industry Board training delivers value
On 31 March 2023 Plant Health Australia (PHA) delivered tailored Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD) training to members of the Australian Macadamia Society, Australian Banana Growers’ Council, and AUSVEG.
The aim of the bespoke industry Board training is to enhance industry’s emergency response preparedness and implement change at the organisational level.
The online training helped participants to understand their role under the EPPRD as well as those of industry representatives such as the Consultative Committee on Emergency Plant Pests (CCEPP), National Management Group (NMG) and Industry Liaison Officers (ILO).
The training covers a range of topics, including decisions of the CCEPP and NMG, confidentiality, Owner Reimbursement Costs, cost sharing and communication. During the training, participants were challenged to consider what their industry’s decision-making processes are and how they would be implemented during a response.
Participants reported particularly strong improvements in their knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of industry representatives and in identifying ways to improve their own industry’s emergency response preparedness.
“The training should be mandatory for new CEOs, executives and Boards,” said Clare Hamilton-Bate, CEO of the Australian Macadamia Society
To date, EPPRD industry Board training has been delivered face-to-face or online. However, following the success of the new ILO training program, Board training will be redeveloped to incorporate mixed learning approaches.
A new e-learning course is under development which, when complete, will be a prerequisite for a workshop (delivered face to-face or virtually) where acquired foundational knowledge will be applied through scenario- based discussions.
EPPRD industry Board training is free to peak industry bodies who are signatories to the EPPRD.
For more information or to arrange a session, please email us.