Fruit fly efforts recognised at Hort Connections

  • Fruit fly efforts recognised at Hort Connections image

Congratulations to the Goulburn Murray Valley (GMV) Fruit Fly Area Wide Management Program and Peter Leach from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF QLD) for winning awards at Hort Connections 2022 held in Brisbane earlier this month.

Ross Abberfield, GMV program coordinator, accepted the Visy Industry Impact Award in recogniton of the program’s important work in reducing the impact of fruit fly on the Australian horticultural industry.

Peter Leach, Principal Entomologist and Market Access Focus Team Leader at DAF QLD, won the coveted Bayer Researcher of the Year Award for his substantial contribution to horticulture research. He has led a significant portfolio of national market access disinfestation projects on fruit fly for over 25 years.