Farewell Andrew Bishop
Biosecurity Tasmania recently said farewell to our long-standing Chief Plant Protection Officer (CPPO) (previously Chief Plant Health Manager). After 36 years 7 months and 6 days Andrew Bishop officially retired from the Tasmanian State Service in late April 2024.
Andrew started with the department as a Field Assistant and steadily advanced through training and experience from this starting position to the CPPO role, looking after Tasmania’s plant biosecurity system. As well as being CPPO, Andrew also managed the Plant Biosecurity and Diagnostic Branch, a diverse group of up to 25 staff working on all things plant biosecurity policy and also our plant diagnostic labs.
Andrew’s extensive experience and knowledge of the plant biosecurity system will be missed by all that worked alongside him. Some highlights of his long career include developing the Weed Management Act 1999, being awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2002 and development of the first Tasmanian Biosecurity Strategy.
Andrew says of his future, “Hilda and I have lots planned for ‘retirement’ including continuing a level of work with my own company, travel, and importantly ‘smelling the roses’. I hope to try my hand at writing and hope to document my public sector memoirs (if they prove interesting enough) in due course.”