Branching out with forest health surveillance training
An expert training workshop on forest health surveillance was held in Brisbane on 7-8 November 2023 as part of the Forest Watch Australia program Facilitated by PHA, the workshop was attended by 20 participants from the Australian Government, state and territory governments, the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) and representatives from the forestry industry.
Workshop participants were provided with valuable insights and practical knowledge on tree health assessments and sample collections techniques. Information was also provided on the triaging process used by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to quickly sort beetles caught by traps into morphological groups for follow up diagnosis.
The event builds on the success of the first workshop in 2022 to strengthen connections and improve forest biosecurity in Australia.
Forest Watch Australia, also known as the National Forest Pest Surveillance Program, is a coordinated, risk-based forest pest surveillance program that supports early detection of exotic forest pests, improving the likelihood of successful pest eradication or containment to safeguard Australia’s tree assets for the benefit of all Australians.