AUSPestCheck® endorsement extended

  • AUSPestCheck® endorsement extended image

During a recent Plant Health Committee (PHC) meeting, AUSPestCheck®, developed by Plant Health Australia (PHA), has been endorsed for an additional 12 months.

AUSPestCheck® is an innovative tool designed to collect, analyse and display plant pest surveillance data. The system can provide users with a real-time picture of pest numbers and spread, accommodating information collected from both general and targeted surveillance activities in agricultural and environmental settings.

The system enhances the value of surveillance through data partnerships to improve decision-making regarding pest and disease risks and threats, and offers clear benefits for its use by jurisdictions, providing a platform to undertake a range of activities.

The AUSPestCheck® Governance Steering Committee have met to review options and identify the best model for the system to be supported into the future. The next 12 months will allow for delivery of key outcomes that demonstrate the benefits of nationally collated data sets in AUSPestCheck® to all parties.