Apply for a place at the Xylella workshop, 24 November 2023
Expressions of interest are invited from NPBDN members who would like to attend the Xylella workshop on Friday 24 November 2023 in Adelaide. As an initiative under Plant Health Australia’s (PHA) national plant biosecurity diagnostics and surveillance professional development activities funded through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), travel support will be provided to interested members. The workshop will take place after the Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference (APPS).
Costs covered will include:
- workshop registration fee
- flights to and from the workshop
- one night’s accommodation.
Applications for travel support close on Monday 18 September 2023 at 11.55pm (AEST).
Xylella is listed as Australia’s number one exotic plant pest. To increase capability in detecting this destructive pest, information including images of diseases caused by Xylella, updated sampling protocols, and methods to detect and identify this pathogen from the new National Diagnostics Protocol for Xylella will be presented.
The workshop will be delivered by experts in the field, including Toni Chapman (NSW DPI), Monica Kehoe (DPIRD WA), Luciano Rigano (MPI – NZ), Pragya Kant (Agriculture Victoria) as well as guest speakers Rachel Mann (PHA) and Craig Elliott (P2R2 Consulting).
This workshop is aimed at anyone interested in Xylella, including biosecurity policy makers, emergency response teams, diagnosticians, and industry staff.
For more information visit the APPS website.
Event Date: Friday 24 November 2023
Venue: Student Teaching Wing laboratory, Charles Hawker Building, University of Adelaide, Waite Campus, Waite Road, Urrbrae, Adelaide, SA
Note: travel support is exclusive to NPBDN members. DAFF (Australian Government) staff are not eligible for NPBDN travel funds and are encouraged to submit an EOI and consult their internal manager regarding travel arrangements. If members are attending APPS and are eligible for travel funding, if there is a difference in travel costs, they agree to cover these costs. Workshop numbers are limited. Expressions of interest will be assessed by the Network Implementation Working Group (NIWG) and successful applicants will be notified.