A nationally integrated surveillance system

  • A nationally integrated surveillance system image

Australia’s current surveillance system is facing significant challenges created by growing levels of trade, changing product pathways, agricultural expansion and intensification, an increase of urbanisation close to crop production areas, and climate change. With an average of 40 plant pest incursions each year affecting plant industries and governments, these incursions cause competition for resources and create an expanding need for capability and capacity in our surveillance and diagnostics programs with an ever-increasing range of priorities that need to be addressed.

Funded by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), and led by Plant Health Australia (PHA), a project to identify mechanisms to guide the establishment and maintenance of a future Nationally Integrated Surveillance System for Plant Pests (NISSPP) has commenced.

PHA has contracted Ron Glanville, Biosecurity Advisor to undertake consultation to gain an initial understanding of the different priorities and needs for an integrated surveillance system. He will also seek views on addressing the requirements for the future surveillance system, including next steps in identifying stakeholders in a NISSPP.

The findings of this consultation will be shared in two workshops that will be held in conjunction with the Annual Diagnostics and Surveillance Workshop 2023 (ADSW) and the PHA Member meetings in May 2023. Further consultation and development of models for delivery and resourcing of surveillance will follow these workshops in the last half of 2023.

Related documents

NISSPP Summary Discussion Paper

NISSPP Placemat