2024: A landmark year for PHA’s Digital Systems

  • 2024: A landmark year for PHA’s Digital Systems image

2024 was a landmark year for PHA’s Digital Systems, with the rollout of improvements to three of our core digital projects. AUSPestCheck®(APC), PaDIL, and APPD all got a late-night revamp to deliver impactful improvements to our Members.

In November, the team hit a new internal record, rolling out IT improvements for all three of the systems in one day. Significant enhancements were rolled out across APC, PaDIL and the APPD, alongside progress on IT systems and work on the electronic Plant Health Assurance Certificate (ePHAC) project. Each platform supports identification, surveillance, or both, providing wide-ranging benefits for governments, plant industries, and communities.

December saw the release of the data sharing container in APC — a highly anticipated enhancement enabling governments and industries to securely share surveillance data for the first time. APC improvements also included better program visibility via the new program dashboard and webform uploads.

Enhancements in APPD focused on smoother navigation and new reporting functionality, significantly improving the user’s ability to find what they need (without accidentally opening ten individual tabs!)

PaDIL received search functionality upgrades, and PaDIL managers can now more effectively create important diagnostic content. These enhancements advance data uploading, national collation, and secure surveillance data sharing.

These collective improvements were the result of a 12-month process involving user experience workshops, prioritisation sessions, and collaboration with software developers. Each enhancement underwent extensive testing, detailed planning and creation of support documentation.

New functionality is supported by updated online manuals and with demonstrations for APPD and APC aquatic tenancy users.  More demonstration sessions on the new APC data sharing container are planned for February and March. With support from the PHA’s training and Marketing and Communications teams, a new Biosecurity Online Training (BOLT) course will be released later this year to further support APC users.