The National Plant Biosecurity Preparedness Strategy provides a framework to develop the capabilities required to prepare for and manage plant biosecurity risks across Australia. It is one of several strategies that supports the broader national biosecurity system through its alignment with the Intergovernmental Agreement on Biosecurity (IGAB) and the National Plant Biosecurity Strategy (NPBS).

The strategy’s vision for 2031 is a resilient plant biosecurity system that identifies and reduces risk, and works to minimise the impact of biosecurity incidents to Australia’s plant industries, economy, environment and community. Achieving this shared vision requires collective effort nationally along with the people, resources, infrastructure, policies, standards and tools to address the most important priorities for Australia’s plant biosecurity system.

The strategy is based around five interconnected goals:

  • Stronger national and international connections
  • Enhanced and improved capacity and capability to mitigate and respond to plant biosecurity risks
  • Enhanced participation and achievement of biosecurity outcomes
  • Production and environmental assets protected and market access maintained
  • Recovery and management supported during and following plant biosecurity incursions

Each goal is supported by a series of actions that will guide and support national policy and inform investment in research, development and extension. The actions can also be used to guide state/territory, regional and local efforts or efforts by individual governments, plant industries and stakeholder groups.

Annual action plan

The 2022-23 Action Plan complements, supports and builds on the strategy and implementation plan in outlining the key activities that contribute to the delivery of the actions and expected outcomes.

The Action Plan also identifies the lead/champion for each activity to provide transparency and accountability for stakeholders across the system.