About / Our People
Our People
The PHA team work to achieve outcomes for Members through implementation of the Strategic Plan and Annual Operational Plan
Our People
Our Board
PHA has a skills-based Board of between five and nine Directors. Our Board has knowledge and experience in areas including industry operations, plant industry production, marketing, domestic and international plant health policy and government policy processes, plant health management, international trends in plant health practices, strategic planning, business and financial management, and economics.
Board Directors are appointed through a selection process. A Selection Committee consisting of industry and government Members is convened with nominations presented at each Annual General Meeting. The appointment of Board Directors is staggered with terms of four years. This is to ensure organisational continuity and retain corporate knowledge and experience.
Our staff
Our multi-disciplinary and skilled team consists of local staff within the Canberra office as well as dispersed staff in Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, and New South Wales.