NPBPS – At a glance


A resilient plant biosecurity system that identifies and reduces risk, and works to minimise the impact of biosecurity incidents to Australia’s plant industries, economy, environment and community.


1. Stronger national and international connections.


1.1 Establish a shared and agreed understanding of roles and responsibilities of stakeholders involved in the national plant biosecurity system.

1.2 Establish ongoing forums for stakeholders to focus on plant biosecurity preparedness activities.

1.3 Grow partnerships to prevent the entry of plant biosecurity threats and identify control and management options relevant to the Australian context.

Expected outcomes

Improved plant biosecurity preparedness delivery through collaborative partnerships between stakeholder groups nationally and internationally.


2. Enhanced and improved capacity and capability to mitigate and respond to plant biosecurity risks.


2.1 Identify and address current and emerging capacity and capability gaps across the national plant biosecurity system.

2.2 Develop and implement tools to improve the detection, identification and prioritisation of plant pests and weeds.

2.3 Address barriers and establish incentives to improve engagement and the adoption of plant biosecurity practices.

2.4 Develop and deliver training and simulation exercises to test preparedness to biosecurity incidents.

Expected outcomes

Skilled people, contemporary systems and technologies that are prepared to mitigate plant biosecurity risks and are response ready.


3. Enhanced participation and achievement of biosecurity outcomes.


3.1 Develop material to promote awareness of obligations and responsibilities of stakeholders across the national plant biosecurity system.

3.2 Implement national education campaigns to increase awareness of plant biosecurity risks, management actions and the principle of shared responsibility.

3.3 Support efforts that recognise and celebrate stakeholder contributions to the national plant biosecurity system.

Expected outcomes

Improved participation in preparedness activities through a greater awareness of plant biosecurity risks.


4. Production and environmental assets protected and market access maintained.


4.1 Develop and maintain contingency material and/or environmental asset management plans for plant biosecurity risks.

4.2 Establish domestic market access arrangements prior to the detection of exotic plant pests.

4.3 Establish pre emptive arrangements for the containment and control of exotic plant pests and weeds.

Expected outcomes

Reduced impact of plant biosecurity incursions on the environment, community, trade and market access.


5. Recovery and management supported during and following plant biosecurity incursions.


5.1 Develop and maintain a national model for funding recovery efforts for affected communities, businesses, industries and the environment.

5.2 Develop and maintain capability to provide immediate relief to affected communities, industries and the environment during a response.

5.3 Develop national partnership arrangements for responding to Emergency Plant Pests that are not (or unlikely to be) technically feasible to eradicate.

Expected outcomes

Plant industries, the environment and communities recover rapidly and fully after a biosecurity incident.


National Plant Biosecurity Preparedness Strategy Implementation Plan and action plans.