NPBS – Strategic direction to 2031

The vision to 2031 is supported by four interconnected strategic priorities essential to create the best possible outcomes for the national plant biosecurity system. Each strategic priority is supported by a series of actions and expected outcomes that are outlined in this section.

Strategic Priority 1: Stronger together

Strategic Priority 2: Sustained support

Strategic Priority 3: Future ready toolkit

Strategic Priority 4: Impact through innovation


Strategic Priority 1: Stronger together

Domestic and international connections will remain critical to supporting our plant industries, economy, environment and community from plant biosecurity threats. This includes linkages within and across the broader system and collaboration with other sectors.

The ability to grow productive and mutually beneficial partnerships will help with intelligence gathering and best‑practice knowledge sharing of pest biology, ecology, behaviour and management. It will also facilitate greater cooperation during a response to a plant biosecurity incursion.

Efforts to improve participation in plant biosecurity activities will be equally important to ensure the wide range of system participants are more aware of plant biosecurity risks and acknowledge their responsibilities.

Action Expected  outcomes
1.1 Establish a shared and agreed understanding of roles and responsibilities for plant biosecurity.

1.2 Strengthen domestic and international connections across the national plant biosecurity system.

1.3 Improve participation and adoption of plant biosecurity practices.

1.4 Develop education and awareness campaigns to better manage plant biosecurity risks.

1.5 Create opportunities to enhance community and citizen science contributions to plant biosecurity.

  • Biosecurity is adopted as a shared responsibility by governments, plant industries, the broader supply chain and the community.
  • Improved governance across the national plant biosecurity system.
  • Collaborative linkages and networks exist for sharing intelligence, new technology, tools and processes.
  • Increased stakeholder participation in plant biosecurity activities through a greater awareness of risks.
  • An enabled and aware community that plays a greater role in plant biosecurity activities.
  • Resources across the system are leveraged to maximise return on collective investment.


Strategic Priority 2: Sustained support

The ability to manage plant biosecurity risks and retain Australia’s favourable biosecurity status relies on skilled and responsive participants across the entire system.

In order to ensure the people that underpin our system are effective in their roles, there is a need to have a clear understanding of risks and the capacity and capability requirements across the system. In addition, there is a need to build and retain expertise in key areas of risk to ensure appropriate and sustainable resourcing is available to meet current and future needs.

The delivery of positive biosecurity outcomes is also dependent on appropriate systems, policies and infrastructure such as laboratories, specialist equipment, consumables and other resources. It is important that these aspects are effectively coordinated and used appropriately to support surveillance, early detection and response activities.

Action Expected outcomes
2.1 Establish a common understanding of plant biosecurity risks and management options in the Australian context.

2.2 Develop an ongoing understanding of capacity and capability gaps across the national plant biosecurity system.

2.3 Develop the skills and knowledge required to support the ongoing needs of the national plant biosecurity system.

2.4 Ensure systems, policies and infrastructure are available for all aspects of plant biosecurity.

2.5 Use appropriate investment allocation models to fund and coordinate plant biosecurity system and reform efforts.

  • Greater understanding of plant biosecurity risks and adoption of appropriate management options by participants
  • Appropriate levels of skilled people to meet current and future biosecurity challenges and opportunities.
  • Skills within the national plant biosecurity system are enhanced, retained and shared.
  • Comprehensive support (systems, policies and infrastructure) is available to support plant biosecurity activities.
  • Activities across the national plant biosecurity system are appropriately resourced and coordinated.


Strategic Priority 3: Future ready toolkit

Action Expected outcomes
3.1 Encourage the early adoption of new technologies to improve the detection, identification and prioritisation of plant pests and weeds.

3.2 Develop and maintain decision-making tools, policies and processes to manage plant biosecurity risks.

3.3 Enhance arrangements to protect production and environmental assets and improve market access.

3.4 Strengthen national response, recovery and relief arrangements for plant biosecurity incidents.

3.5 Support efforts to enhance the adoption of best practice plant biosecurity related legislation and regulation.

  • Improved efficiency and effectiveness of import and export operations by using new technologies to reduce clearance times and increase detection capability
  • Stakeholders are able to make rapid, informed, and risk-based decisions through the use of fit for purpose tools.
  • Better treatment options to support market access and response issues.
  • Greater confidence in the quality and consistency of data generated from surveillance and diagnostics.
  • Reduced impact of plant biosecurity incidents through strengthened preparedness arrangements.
  • Plant industries, the environment and communities recover and are more resilient after a plant biosecurity incident.
  • Legislation and regulation is not an impediment to the delivery of plant biosecurity activities.


Strategic Priority 4: Impact through innovation

Innovation is key to allow our system to function efficiently and effectively. By working smarter, faster and better, we will be better placed to meet current and future biosecurity challenges and opportunities.

Coordinated investment in innovative approaches and technologies across the system will help better connect participants and facilitate the fast and secure sharing of information to guide decision making. It will also support the modernisation of systems and play an important role in managing plant biosecurity risks on‑farm as well as at industry and regional levels.

As the availability and reach of innovative solutions continues to grow, the effective use of technology platforms to monitor the performance of our system could also provide value for the benefit of all participants. This will improve accountability and provide an accurate and tangible measure of performance that helps to develop a greater awareness of key gaps and successes.

Action Expected outcomes
4.1 Implement and maintain interoperable and integrated national knowledge and information management systems.

4.2 Enhance analytics capability for plant biosecurity decision making.

4.3 Drive the adoption of research, development and extension activities across all aspects of plant biosecurity.

4.4 Measure and assess the performance of the national plant biosecurity system by engaging stakeholders from across the biosecurity spectrum.

  • Contemporary and fit for purpose systems and processes.
  • Improved intelligence and analytics to support risk identification, resource allocation and response.
  • Improved decision making and operational efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Enhanced effectiveness of on-farm biosecurity practices through the use of new approaches and technologies.
  • Science and research outputs are applied to address key knowledge gaps and developing pressures in plant biosecurity.
  • Increased capacity to measure and demonstrate the performance of the national plant biosecurity system.