About Bee Pest Blitz
With over 47,900 registered beekeepers who own approximately 855,300 hives, keeping Australia’s honey bee population healthy is no mean feat.
registered beekeepers
Despite Australia’s geographic location, a world-class biosecurity system, and national post-border surveillance efforts, high priority pests of bees could still enter Australia and devastate our honey bee industry. The health of the beekeeping industry is key and has flow-on effects to pollination-reliant industries and the wider community that benefit from healthy hives, their products and services they provide. Regular surveillance is essential to identifying the occurrence of new bee pests early and ensuring actions can be taken to eradicate or minimise the impact of these pests on the industry and environment.
The annual Bee Pest Blitz campaign aims to create awareness of exotic and established bee pests, the importance of hive inspections using nationally-agreed surveillance techniques and consistent record keeping and reporting of results. The campaign also aims to increase understanding of roles and responsibilities and the shared culture in biosecurity.
By participating in the Bee Pest Blitz month, Australian Beekeepers will fulfil their bee biosecurity obligations and one of the two inspection requirements under the Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice.
Annually during BeePest Blitz month, all beekeepers are encouraged to inspect their hives and perform alcohol washes.
The tools and resources you need to conduct surveillance to detect for the presence of exotic mites.
How to submit results
Recording negative results are just as important as positive detections as they help us to prove ongoing freedom of exotic bee pests in Australia.
Once you have inspected your hive and conducted an alcohol wash, submit your results to your relevant state or territory agriculture department.
If you conduct your hive inspection and suspect you have found an exotic honey bee pest or disease, save the sample and immediately report it to the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline.